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With the financial assistance of the European Union: ΕΣΠΑ - Ψηφιακό Άλμα

Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''

Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''
Electronic Label Stellar Pro 2.13F''

Hanshow Stellar Pro 2.13F'' for frozen showcases and professional fridge.

Stellar allows remote price updates, eliminating inefficient and costly manual price changes. The Stellar digital labels eliminate need for paper price tags over its years lifespan, saving both costs and resources. Offering high res screen for more information to be displayed, including inventory management. Significant 7 color LED light signals allow for faster order picking, increasing online sales revenue.Customers receive more product information and can be directed to online orders through QR codes on Stellar's colorful, high res display screen. Designed for compatibility with other digitalization systems, serving as the building blocks of holistic digitalization. With strong signal and system communication keeps Stellar embedded in ERP networks, ensuring price accuracy between the label and register, and improving the customer experience.


Electronic Labels
Size ELS 70.1x35.3x14.7mm
Weight ELS 30.8 g
Display size ELS 2.13'' (Active Display Area 48.6x23.7mm)
Resolution ELS 250 x 122 pixels
Technology ELS NFC
DPI 131
Battery ELS LiMnO2 Battery
Operating Temperature ELS -25-0 ‎°C
Protection IP ELS IP67
Additional features ELS Up to 60,000 updates per hour
Additional features ELS Display 7 colors LED Flash, 8 Pages scroll, Battery Life 10 Years (2 Updates a day).Changeable Battery. Display Colors white/ black. Certificatios ROHS, CE, FCC, MIC.