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With the financial assistance of the European Union: ΕΣΠΑ - Ψηφιακό Άλμα

Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''

Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''
Electronic Label Stellar-XL 4.2''


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Stellar-XL 4.2''

Freedom of layout and perfect visibility. Perfect for texts and graphics visualization with high-definition display.Great definition because of size and visibility. Perfect for served benches, fruit and vegetables and ELDOM section. It allows to show price, QR code, barcode, messages on just one screen.


Electronic Labels
Size ELS 101x91x11.4
Weight ELS 102 g
Display size ELS 4.2''
Resolution ELS 400 x 300 pixels
Technology ELS NFC NDEF data format with 200 bytes writable memory.
DPI 120
Battery ELS 4 x 550mAh
Operating Temperature ELS 0-30 ‎°C
Protection IP ELS IP65
Additional features ELS 5 years ( 4 updates per day)
Additional features ELS Frequency 2402MHz - 2480MHz. Distance communication up to 10m. System thoughput 18.000 labels per hour.